Selected for DJSI World Index for 14 consecutive years
Double A-List Ratings by CDP for Climate Change and Water Security for the Third Time
Highest overall score in the electronic equipment, instruments
& components industry in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
(DJSI) for 7 years
Selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets
Index for 12 consecutive years
Selected for the MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index continuously,
Awarded “AA” MSCI ESG Rating
Selected for the FTSE4Good Emerging Indexes continuously, the
FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index (co-launched by Taiwan Index
Plus Corporation and FTSE Russell) continuously
Obtained the "Best" rating from the ISS corporate performance
Received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence Award for the 7th consecutive year and the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award for the 9th consecutive year
Won the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards hosted by the
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy every year